Home To East Nelson Church
Where People are Connected Together to Grow and Teach God's Love
Welcome to East Nelson Church
Home To East Nelson Church
Where People are Connected Together to Grow and Teach God's Love
Welcome to East Nelson Church
Where People are Connected Together to Grow and Teach God's Love
Welcome to East Nelson Church
Where People are Connected Together to Grow and Teach God's Love
Welcome to East Nelson Church
After our 9:15 am church service, will be gathering for the Annual Souper Bowl Sunday. Enjoy some delicious soup!
Grilled sandwiches will be provided along with something to drink.
Donations will be taken for the Cedar Springs Community Food Pantry.
Please join us!
A new addition to the outside of East Nelson Church is a book exchange library. The idea is to take a book then leave a book. It's not a requirement to leave a book but if you are done with a book just place it in the library. Puzzles, children's book, coloring books, etc... are welcomed too.
Also a prayer box is also available next the Jackson Library. If you or someone you know needs prayers, please fill out the card and drop it in the slot. Every prayer card will be confidential. Prayers work and we want to pray for you!
Wednesdays at 10 am.
· Your choice of Chair or Mat Yoga.
· All levels and abilities.
· Casual loose-fitting clothing or yoga attire.
· Bring your favorite mat or use one that is provided.
If you would like to help with the disaster response to the California Wildfires, write “WILDFIRE” on your check or envelope. We will direct these donations to UMCOR (901670).
Read how the CA Wildfires burned a United Methodist Church and killed a member.
Every Sunday at 9:15 am.
We will be sending out a monthly mailed Connections Newsletter, as well as, a weekly E-Connections email.