1st Sunday every month - Cedar Springs Community Food Pantry - remember to support the Pantry
3rd Sunday every month - Hand2 Hand - remember to support Hand2Hand
How you can help: click the link below to go UMCOR
Place or place a donation in offering plate with the UMCOR # 901670
More information will be coming for MILTON.
Have you or do you know anyone who has been or is currently a victim of domestic and/or sexual violence, if so you are not alone! RAVE's crisis hotline is 1(800)720-SAFE. It is RAVE's vision to end violence in our homes and in our communities.
For more information about RAVE and it's work in our community go to wwwraveim.org.
We can make this our mission also, by supporting them. To support them, you can make a donation through the church with an offering or direct at www.raveim.org.
3rd Sunday every month -
remember to support Hand2Hand.
1st Sunday every month - remember to support Cedar Springs Community Food Pantry.
Dominican Republic Missionaries
Tammi and Jochy Hernandez